Melissa Joy Davis

I was born in Chicago, Ill, where my parents were on staff with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) at Northwestern University. I spent the first several years of my life in and out of college Bible studies, Cru's large annual Christmas Conference, Summer Project at Daytona Beach, and other college ministry staples. Some of the first people to teach me about the person and work of Jesus were the college students my parents discipled weekly in our home. My very first vivid memory is of accepting Christ as Lord and Savior in the living room of our temporary housing on CU Boulder's campus during Staff Training in August of 1991. 

The rest of my childhood was spent closer to extended family, in Columbus, Ohio. I grew up in the same bedroom my grandmother grew up in five decades prior. In this space, I learned a lot more about the local church and its ministry to surrounding communities. My parents were part of a core team of people who started a church plant in the early 2000s. It was also during this time that I discovered a love for designing and participating in Bible studies with great depth. 

While in college, I was afforded the opportunity to help lead women's ministry within Cru at Miami University (of Ohio). After this, I returned to Columbus and became part of a core team of recent college grads who started Veritas Community Church in Victorian Village. Later, I moved with a team of people from this church to start Veritas TriVillage (later TriCity) in the suburbs of Columbus. 

During these early career days, two of my three younger siblings struggled through life-threatening illnesses. Family dynamics put me at the center of their care, both physically and spiritually. I am grateful for the rescue the Lord provided in both of their lives and that I still get to walk alongside them today. I would never ask to live through that season again, but the impact those years have had on my life and faith is felt nearly every day. 

After getting married to my husband, Chad, in 2013 and having our first child, Cooper, in 2014, I was asked to take over leadership of the women's ministry at Veritas TriVillage. At that time, I began writing Bible studies for our women, with the help of an acquaintance who would become pivotal in my faith and the development of God's gifts in me, Jen Wilkin. To date, I have authored studies on Deuteronomy (two parts), Judges, Psalm 119, Malachi, Acts 7 (Stephen's Speech), Philippians, and Colossians, as well as led a women's conference entitled The King and His Kingdom, focusing on the covenants of scripture. All materials are available through PDF and audio recordings for anyone interested in easy access to inductive style Bible studies.  

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